Thursday, February 18, 2010

No gym? No problem.

If you can't sign up for a gym, (really there should be no reason not to, most gyms are cheap, like the one I'm singing up for is only $20 a month) then try doing things around the house/apartment to burn those calories.

Okay, I've got a confession..

I did not sign up for my gym today, again I have no reason, but don't worry I WILL do it!

So what did I do today? Well after sleeping until 2pm, (hey when you work a 10am-6am shift, it's excused) I made myself a turkey sandwich and kettle popcorn (I know, I know, the popcorn.. not so healthy) watched some TV, got on the internet, did some laundry, wrote some more pages in the fictional book I'm writing.

All that took about 4 hours.

Now (6:30/7pm) I just finished preparing a Campbells soup chicken meal (chicken breast, brown rice, cream of chicken soup, vegetable mix, spices of your choice) and while I was preparing it.. I blasted and danced my big 'ole but off. Dance hardcore and you're burning those calories!

Like yesterday, when I cleaned house.. another calorie burner.

It's the little things that add up. Now I'm not saying fore go the gym.. by all means GO! Really I should be giving myself this advice. But what I AM saying is until you get there.. find other activities to help you work up a sweat.

BTW, I'm no expert.. just a girl trying to lose weight.

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