Saturday, February 27, 2010

Me 2, Temptation 0

Okay, so I know all none of you want to know how my battle with Alcohol went last night. Well, I forfeited the event before it even took place.

Working the weekends (13 hour days w/hour break) I don't go out... AT ALL. But it was my friend Candi's birthday celebration, so around 9pm, I went over to her new house & socialized for two hours, then everyone headed to the bar for more partying.

At her house, everyone was drinking (yes, alcohol) and eating chips & dip, but I did neither. I ate a brown rice, turkey, vegetable meal beforehand. So I was full. And being I had to work the next day I didn't partake in any drinking. Of course my trying to lose weight was another reason not to jump on the drinking bandwagon.

I thought for sure I'd grab a drink at the bar, but upon arrival, I froze up, went into an awkward state. Everyone went up to the bar to grab their drink & it was so crowded up there, I stayed back in a less claustraphobic area.

And then I was that girl, standing around alone, with no one to talk to, because they were all up at the bar. I felt uncomfortable, like everyone was looking at me, wondering what the fat girl is doing here.

So I left.

Went home, went to bed.

I believe my lack of going out on the weekends has turned me into a socially awkward person. But that is just one more item on my list of self recreation that I'll need to work on.

Here's a good read: 10 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds

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